Dobře, dobře, chceš-li to v mém jazyce, tak proč by ne: Bez možnosti neomezeného požehnání na regeneraci many bude velká otrava všude běhat bez teleportů, především v první kapitole.
My terrible Russian skill doesn't mean that I Google-translated the sentence (which would probably yield better result), I'm just really really bad...

And I think it is much easier to understand that then when I would try your patience and type it in Czech. Also, last time I created a post in English it got deleted, so I wasn't gonna use it. Could also try bad French or really terrible (more then my Russian) Korean but i don't think that would help at all.
Jokes aside, my point still stands: Moving through Khorinis in 1st chapter will suck without unlimited mana regen blessing for easy teleportation. I can live without it, especially since togglable game-speed multiplier became a thing, but it's still a big downgrade in QoL.