Ну что, заключённые, готовы к встрече с колонией? Мир, где каждый встречный мечтает вас зарезать за кусок хлеба, а единственный закон - сила. Вас ждёт совершенно новый пролог к легендарной...
HotA Crew о Кронверке и будущих обновлениях (часть 2) Какие герои будут вести армии Кронверка? Герои-воины зовутся Вожди, маги — Старейшины. Их параметры и способности подчеркнут сильные стороны...
HotA Crew о Кронверке и будущих обновлениях Важно: весь контент по Кронверку и системе событий находится в разработке, и может ещё поменяться. Итак, следующим городом будет Кронверк. Почему...
Совсем недавно энтузиасты из России смогли портировать игру HoMM3 в браузер. Причем веб-версия позволяет пройти все сюжетные компании и даже поиграть по сети. Чтобы сыграть в классику необходимо...
Somehow it works now lol.
Anyways, can Salandril make more than just one orc potion for the player? He gave me one, then I can't make him produce potion anymore.
Profile characteristics will change when it is pumped over LP (just for LP) more than the previous one. And then there are two options: either download via LP, or try a marvin.
And what is the meaning of this action, what is your aim?
Profile characteristics will change when it is pumped over LP (just for LP) more than the previous one. And then there are two options: either download via LP, or try a marvin.
And what is the meaning of this action, what is your aim?
So, basically the point is that my little brother plays Returning 2.0 as a brotherhood guru + two handed sword as an alternative . First chapter of the mod is pretty difficult to play with scrolls only, so he started to pump strength a little bit - a little bit too much... So here's the problem.
Anyway, he can't check the base amount of mana, because Returning doesn't show it.
So, you claim that pumping desired attitude by LP's over the previous one will automatically change "preferred" status to the desired one?
Yes, increasing mana for LP is more than strength for LP, it will automatically become "Prf", bonuses (potions, tablets, etc.) are not taken into account here.
Ok, I've found out that you can't use poisoned weapons. Despite the fact Melhior was alive, there was something wrong with him. Anyway, problem solved - I just used other weapon to beat him up