HotA Crew о Кронверке и будущих обновлениях (часть 2) Какие герои будут вести армии Кронверка? Герои-воины зовутся Вожди, маги — Старейшины. Их параметры и способности подчеркнут сильные стороны...
HotA Crew о Кронверке и будущих обновлениях Важно: весь контент по Кронверку и системе событий находится в разработке, и может ещё поменяться. Итак, следующим городом будет Кронверк. Почему...
Вот и завершается этот год - местами странный, местами крутой, но точно запоминающийся, полный неожиданностей и ярких моментов. Мы благодарны вам за то, что вы были рядом, за все наши совместные...
Совсем недавно энтузиасты из России смогли портировать игру HoMM3 в браузер. Причем веб-версия позволяет пройти все сюжетные компании и даже поиграть по сети. Чтобы сыграть в классику необходимо...
Тьфу на вас, это я и так знаю Притчард упомянул, Шариф рассказал о детективе и слитых через дыру данных. Но на этом квест закончился и я спокойно улетел в Китай
Надо не в Китай улетать, а пойти на квартиру!)) То что вскользь упоминает Шариф, потом повторно поговорить с Притчардом, и он даст наводку на дом детектива где то Эрл стрил или Эрл роуд)
(1) Getting to the David Sarif office
(2) Defend the attack on the facility
Back in the Saddle
(1) Meeting Pritchard
(2) Getting to the helipad
(3) A flight to the factory
Securing Sarif's Manufacturing Plant
(1) Getting near the plant
(2) Peaceful option: Getting inside the plant
(2) Aggressive option: Getting inside the plant
(3) Peaceful option: Getting to the elevator
(3) Aggressive option: Getting to the elevator
(4) Getting to the assembly lab - Lab 1
(5) Peaceful option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 1
(5) Aggressive option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 1
(6) Saving hostages
(7) Getting to the assembly lab - Lab 2
(8) Peaceful option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 2
(8) Aggressive option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 2
(9) Getting to the server room
Neutralize the Terrorist Leader
(1) Crossing the administration building
(2) Peaceful option: Securing the administration building
(2) Aggressive option: Securing the administration building
(3) Getting to Sander's location
(4) Meeting Sanders
(1) Return to Sarif Industries headquarters
Tying Up Loose Ends
(1) Meeting with Pritchard
(2) Meeting with Sarif
Visiting the L.I.M.B. Clinic
(1) Getting to the clinic
(2) Talking to doctor Marcovic
Investigating the Suicide Terrorist
(1) Getting to the police station
(2) Getting inside the police station
(3) Getting to the morgue
(4) Examining the hacker’s corpse
(5) Using the home computer in Jensen's apartment
Stopping the Transmission
(1) Peaceful option: Reaching the antenna
(1) Aggressive option: Reaching the antenna
(2) Shutting down the antenna
Extraction (2)
(1) Flying to the Highland Park location
The Transmission
(1) Investigating the helipad area
Following the Clues in Highland Park
(1) Getting near the main building
(2) Getting to the elevator
(3) Peaceful option: Crossing by first part of the camp
(3) Aggressive option: Crossing by first part of the camp
(4) Peaceful option: Crossing by second part of the camp
(4) Aggressive option: Crossing by second part of the camp
(5) Getting to the second elevator
(6) Locating mercenaries' leader
(7) Defeating Barrett
(8) Getting back to the helipad
Whispers of Conspiracy
(1) Meeting with Pritchard
(2) Meeting with Sarif
(3) Getting to the helipad
Side quests
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Paging Adam Jensen
Lesser Evils (steps 1-3)
Lesser Evils (steps 4-7)
Motherly Ties (steps 1-3)
Motherly Ties (steps 4-7)
Cloak & Daggers (steps 1-3)
Cloak & Daggers (steps 4-7)
Cloak & Daggers (steps 8-9)
Cloak & Daggers (steps 10-13)
Voices from the Dark
Hunting the Hacker
(1) Reaching Youzhao district
(2) Finding the Hengsha Court Gardens building
(3) Peaceful solution: Entering the Hengsha Court Gardens building
(3) Aggressive solution: Entering the Hengsha Court Gardens building
(4) Entering the hacker’s apartment
(5) Exploring the hacker’s apartment
(6) Getting inside the Hive nightclub
(7) Discovering van Bruggen’s whereabouts
(8) Finding van Bruggen
(9) Acquiring a Tai Yong employee card
(10) Peaceful solution: Leaving the main are of the hotel
(10) Aggressive solution: Leaving the main are of the hotel
(11) Travelling through the locker room area
(12) Travelling through the laundry room area
(13) Leaving the Alice Garden Pods hotel
(14) Using the shuttle
Searching for Proof
(1) Exploring the area near the shuttle station
(2) Rescuing a TYM employee
(3) Reaching the cryo-sterilization room
(4) Peaceful solution: Travelling through the cryo-sterilization room
(4) Aggressive solution: Travelling through the cryo-sterilization room
(5) Reaching the first elevator
(6) Reaching the second elevator
(7) Peaceful solution: Travelling through the laboratories
(7) Aggressive solution: Travelling through the laboratories
(8) Peaceful solution: Reaching the Data Core
(8) Aggressive solution: Reaching the Data Core
(9) Heading through the laser room
Entering the Dragon’s Lair
(1) Peaceful solution: Going through the offices
(1) Aggressive solution: Going through the offices
(2) Reaching the elevator
(3) Finding Zhao Run Yu
(4) Peaceful solution: Leaving the penthouse
(4) Aggressive solution: Leaving the penthouse
(5) Peaceful solution: Opening the hangar door
(5) Aggressive solution: Opening the hangar door
(6) Using the chopper
Side quests
Rotten Business (steps 1-3)
Rotten Business (steps 4-8)
Bar Tab (steps 1-4)
Bar Tab (steps 5-7)
Shanghai Justice (steps 1-3)
Shanghai Justice (steps 4-8)
Confronting Eliza Cassan
(1) Reaching room 404
(2) Peaceful solution: Getting out of the ambush
(2) Aggressive solution: Getting out of the ambush
(3) Peaceful solution: Reaching the staircase at the back of the studio
(3) Aggressive solution: Reaching the staircase at the back of the studio
(4) Peaceful solution: Reaching the funicular
(4) Aggressive solution: Reaching the funicular
(5) Peaceful solution: Summoning the funicular
(5) Aggressive solution: Summoning the funicular
(6) Peaceful solution: Reaching the main area of the basement
(6) Aggressive solution: Reaching the main area of the basement
(7) Peaceful solution: Reaching the staircase
(7) Aggressive solution: Reaching the staircase
(8) Reaching the sub-basement
(9) Peaceful solution: Reaching room 802-11
(9) Aggressive solution: Reaching room 802-11
(10) Defeating Yelena Fedorova
(11) Reaching the helipad
Detroit 2
Confronting Sarif
(1) Reaching Jensen’s apartment
Finding Isaias Sandoval
(1) Reaching the Convention Center
(2) Reaching the VIP section
(3) Talking with Taggart
(4) Find information on Sandoval’s whereabouts
(5) Peaceful solution: Get out of the Convention Center
(5) Aggressive solution: Get out of the Convention Center
(6) Get inside Sandoval’s apartment
(7) Going down into the sewers
(8) Passing through the sewers
(9) Confronting Sandoval
(10) Returning to the helipad
Cashing In Old Favors
(1) Reaching Sarif’s office
(2) Heading to the helipad
Side quests
Acquaintances Forgotten (steps 1-3)
Acquaintances Forgotten (steps 4-8)
Smash the State (steps 1-3)
Smash the State (step 4)
Smash the State (steps 5-7)
Hengsha 2
Find Vasili Sevchenko's GPL Device
(1) Peaceful solution: Getting out of the construction site
(1) Aggressive solution: Getting out of the construction site
(2) Passing through the Kuaigan district
(3) Getting a new biochip in the L.I.M.B. clinic
(4) Peaceful solution: Getting into the Harvesters' hideout
(4) Aggressive solution: Getting into the Harvesters' hideout
(5) Peaceful solution: Going through the Harvesters' hideout
(5) Aggressive solution: Going through the Harvesters' hideout
Stowing Away
(1) Leaving the Harvesters' hideout
(2) Reaching the Belltower's port
(3) Getting into the port area
(4) Peaceful solution: Retrieving the package from the shed
(4) Aggressive solution: Retrieving the package from the shed
(5) Peaceful solution: Getting inside the port warehouse
(5) Aggressive solution: Getting inside the port warehouse
(6) Peaceful solution: Getting to the administrator Wang's office
(6) Aggressive solution: Getting to the administrator Wang's office
Side quests
Talion A.D. (steps 1-3)
Talion A.D. (steps 4-6)
A Matter of Discretion
Corporate Warfare
Rescuing Megan and Her Team
(1) Peaceful solution: Reaching the main square
(1) Aggressive solution: Reaching the main square
(2) Disabling the signal jammer
(3) Peaceful solution: Finding Declan Faherty
(3) Aggressive solution: Finding Declan Faherty
(4) Peaceful solution: Finding Nia Colvin
(4) Aggressive solution: Finding Nia Colvin
(5) Peaceful solution: Finding Eric Koss
(5) Aggressive solution: Finding Eric Koss
(6) Peaceful solution: Uploading a virus to the security computer
(6) Aggressive solution: Uploading a virus to the security computer
(7) Reaching the underground bunker
(8) Defeating Jaron Namir
(9) Finding Megan Reed
(10) Opening the hangar door
(11) Reaching the Leo shuttle
Shutting Down Darrow's Signal
(1) Getting inside the station
(2) Reaching the tower top
(3) Talking to Hugh Darrow
(4) Crossing through the tower
(5) Crossing through the station
(6) Peaceful solution: Reaching the William Taggart's hideout
(6) Aggressive solution: Reaching the William Taggart's hideout
(7) Peaceful solution: Reaching the David Sarif's hideout
(7) Aggressive solution: Reaching the David Sarif's hideout
(8) Reaching the broadcast center
(9) Defeating the Hyron Project
List of endings
Я чё-то самого Дженсена пару-тройку раз видел всего. Они потом его что, дорисуют? И если ему этот самый костюм потом дорисуют, а актёр просто сейчас движения исполняет, то почему Дженсен там прыгает как чёрт на сковородке? Он даже по игре такой тактикой никогда не пользовался, а если судить по комиксам, то там вообще почти везде сплошной стелс.