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@Szagons, It's all about Systempack. Returning uses its own Systempack, designed specifically for Returning 2.0 66.2. By installing version 1.7, you broke your game. Now you have to rearrange the Gothic.
Installing Systempack separately is not necessary.
@Szagons, It's all about Systempack. Returning uses its own Systempack, designed specifically for Returning 2.0 66.2. By installing version 1.7, you broke your game. Now you have to rearrange the Gothic.
Installing Systempack separately is not necessary.
@Szagons, If the game does not start without Systempack 1.7, then you have to "endure" the endless recovery of mana.
But in general, this is not normal. Should work without installing 1.7.
@Szagons, If the game does not start without Systempack 1.7, then you have to "endure" the endless recovery of mana.
But in general, this is not normal. Should work without installing 1.7.
I fixed the problem, I installed Gothic on C:\Games\JoWood\ previously i had on C:\Program Files (x86)\JoWood\
thank you for your help
my last question, is it better to run Returning normally or as an administrator?
@Szagons, Its a common problem and already known
Please, if any familiar peoples have similar problem, inform them do not install Gothic 2 in default path directory (/Program Files/, /Program Files (x86)/Program Data/ etc) @Liker может на английском установку напишешь или сюда закинь: Важно - Returning 2.0: AB - Tips for beginners / English FAQ
@Szagons, Its a common problem and already known Посмотреть вложение 78195
Please, if any familiar peoples have similar problem, inform them do not install Gothic 2 in default path directory (/Program Files/, /Program Files (x86)/Program Data/ etc)