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В процессе Suggestion for dice game


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25 Июл 2018
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Playing dice is always fun a few times, but you quickly get to the point when it gets boring. However, the gold you can get from dice is quite substantial and on ASnC you need a lot of it, so you shouldn't pass on it. So, in order to decrease boredom after a few ingame days, I suggest that the game gets skewed more and more towards the player as he progresses through the game.

For example, for each point in a certain stat, you increase your chance to roll a six (or another way to favor the player, but this is the easiest I could think of).

You could tie this to one of the following stats.
a) Dexterity makes the most sense (the hero manipulates the dice), but this might be unfair towards strenght or mana characters.
b) Rhetoric would also make sense (the hero manipulates the dice and persuades the opponent that everything is alright).
c) Amount of wins in the dice game (the hero just gets better at it, although it is mostly luck based)

The amount of stat/wins needed should not be too high, after at most 15-20 ingame days you should just be able to click quickly through and not waste time reloading. If you hit 100%, you just roll sixes all the time.

So, to put in some numbers:

1% increased chance for every point of dexterity
or 1% increased chance for every point of rhetoric
or 1% increased chance for every round won (so 2% against each player)


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Участник форума
21 Фев 2016
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@Dere, :P
Well, I will think about it.
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