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Для тех кто переживает за сохранность своих данных. Скрипт удаляет все "вредоносные" для пользователя обновления. Для тех кто не хочет заморачиваться со скриптом можно в теле скрипта посмотреть номера плохих обновлений и удалить их ручками.
Все это для виндовс 7
ссылка на источник:
Все это для виндовс 7
После крайних вестей о том, что Windows Update в полу-принудительном порядке поставил пользователям Windows 7/8/8.1 обновления KB3080149 и KB3075249, которые собирают данные телеметрии и отправляют их в M$ — остро почувствовался очередной параноидальный приступ. Передача осуществляется через TCP по порту 443 с использованием SSL.
«Как то не хорошо получается» подумал я и накидал небольшой скрипт который несколько автоматизирует:
Удаление хреновых апдейтов и их блокирование/сокрытие (необходим PowerShell с модулем PSWindowsUpdate; ставится автоматически; если рядом (в оной директории) со скриптом находятся файлы unzip.exe и PSWindowsUpdate.zip — используются они, иначе же — они скачиваются);
Блокирует некоторые доменные имена средствами файла хостов (есть мнение, что MS его всё таки игнорирует в данном случае);
Блокирует запросы к известным на данный момент серверам по IP (как с помощью add route, так и правилом файрвола);
Отключает задачи планировщика, которые каким-либо образом связаны с передачей «аналитической» информации (да и не только, полный список смотри в сорце);
Останавливает и отключает авто-запуск сервисов, которые отвечают за отправку «диагностических данных»;
Отключает отправку отчетов об ошибках в M$;
Настраивает Windows Update на «Искать обновления, но решение о скачивании и установки принимается мной».
«Как то не хорошо получается» подумал я и накидал небольшой скрипт который несколько автоматизирует:
Удаление хреновых апдейтов и их блокирование/сокрытие (необходим PowerShell с модулем PSWindowsUpdate; ставится автоматически; если рядом (в оной директории) со скриптом находятся файлы unzip.exe и PSWindowsUpdate.zip — используются они, иначе же — они скачиваются);
Блокирует некоторые доменные имена средствами файла хостов (есть мнение, что MS его всё таки игнорирует в данном случае);
Блокирует запросы к известным на данный момент серверам по IP (как с помощью add route, так и правилом файрвола);
Отключает задачи планировщика, которые каким-либо образом связаны с передачей «аналитической» информации (да и не только, полный список смотри в сорце);
Останавливает и отключает авто-запуск сервисов, которые отвечают за отправку «диагностических данных»;
Отключает отправку отчетов об ошибках в M$;
Настраивает Windows Update на «Искать обновления, но решение о скачивании и установки принимается мной».
@echo off
title "Disable Windows 7/8/8.1 Telemetry"
endlocal & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Script created by <github.com/tarampampam> # 2015
rem Github: <https://gist.github.com/tarampampam/a0db45fb0de5976300b1>
rem OS: Windows 7/8/8.1
rem Version 0.2.11
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * Disable Windows 7/8/8.1 Telemetry (+bonus) service *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * Script support arguments: *
echo * *
echo * -kb ^| -hotfixes Do NOT uninstall updates *
echo * -d ^| -disable Do NOT disable updates *
echo * -t ^| -tasks Do NOT disable tasks *
echo * -s ^| -services Do NOT disable services *
echo * -i ^| -ip Do NOT block IP addresses using route *
echo * -f ^| -firewall Do NOT block IP addresses using firewall *
echo * -h ^| -hosts Do NOT add domains to hosts file *
echo * -u ^| -updates Do NOT change windows update settings *
echo * -l ^| -log Do NOT write messages to .log file *
echo * -e ^| -exit Exit when work is complete *
echo * *
echo * Latest version you can find here: ^<http://goo.gl/1MzPtW^> *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * (Sometimes it block access to hosts file, etc) *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
rem Setup default script settings + declare variables
set ExitOnComplete=0
set WriteLogFile=1
set UninstallUpdates=1
set DisableUpdates=1
set DisableTasks=1
set DisableServices=1
set BlockIPaddresses=1
set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=1
set AddDomainsToHosts=1
set DisableAutomaticUpdates=1
set FirewallIPlist=
set UpdatesList=
set result=
set LogFilePath="%~f0.log"
rem Parse passed arguments to script
if "%~1"=="" goto end_parse_passed_params
if "%~1"=="-e" set ExitOnComplete=1
if "%~1"=="-exit" set ExitOnComplete=1
if "%~1"=="-kb" set UninstallUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-hotfixes" set UninstallUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-d" set DisableUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-disable" set DisableUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-t" set DisableTasks=0
if "%~1"=="-tasks" set DisableTasks=0
if "%~1"=="-s" set DisableServices=0
if "%~1"=="-services" set DisableServices=0
if "%~1"=="-i" set BlockIPaddresses=0
if "%~1"=="-ip" set BlockIPaddresses=0
if "%~1"=="-f" set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=0
if "%~1"=="-firewall" set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=0
if "%~1"=="-h" set AddDomainsToHosts=0
if "%~1"=="-hosts" set AddDomainsToHosts=0
if "%~1"=="-u" set DisableAutomaticUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-updates" set DisableAutomaticUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-l" set WriteLogFile=0
if "%~1"=="-log" set WriteLogFile=0
shift & goto parse_passed_params
if %UninstallUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Uninstall evil M$ updates.."
rem You can find KB description here: support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/%KB_NUMBER%
rem 3080149 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // 8.1 / WS 2012 R2, 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 3075249 - Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 // 8.1 / RT 8.1 / WS 2012 R2 / 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 2952664 - Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7 // 7 SP1
rem 3035583 - Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 // 8.1 / 7 SP1 / IE11
rem 3068708 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // 8.1 / WS 2012 R2 / 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 3022345 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1
rem 3021917 - Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements // 7 SP1
rem 2976978 - Compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 // 8 / 8.1
rem 3044374 - Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 2990214 - Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows // WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1
rem 971033 - Update for Windows Activation Technologies // 7
rem 3075851 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: August 2015 // WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1 / Embedded Standard 7 SP1
rem 3065988 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: July 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3083325 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: September 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3083324 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: September 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3075853 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: August 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3065987 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: July 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3050265 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7: June 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3050267 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1: June 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3046480 - Update helps to determine whether to migrate the .NET Framework 1.1 when you upgrade Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 more info // 7 SP1 / 8.1
for %%? in (
) do call:uninstall_update %%?
if %DisableUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Disable ^(hide^) uninstalled updates.."
call:log "It can take a lot of time - wait please, or use -d flag for disable this feature.." "Notice"
rem For using this shit you must init updates list by calling 'call:uninstall_update "123123"' first!
if %DisableTasks%==1 (
call:title "Disable some windows tasks.."
for %%? in (
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics\AnalyzeSystem"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ActivateWindowsSearch"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ConfigureInternetTimeService"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\DispatchRecoveryTasks"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ehDRMInit"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\InstallPlayReady"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\MediaCenterRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ObjectStoreRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURActivate"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURDiscovery"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscovery"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW1"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW2"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrScheduleTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\RegisterSearch"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ReindexSearchRoot"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\SqlLiteRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\UpdateRecordPath"
) do call
isable_task %%?
if %DisableServices%==1 (
call:title "Disable services.."
for %%? in (
) do call
isable_service %%?
set RegDataCollection="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection"
reg query !RegDataCollection!>nul 2>&1 & if %errorLevel%==0 (
reg add !RegDataCollection! /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
set RegWindowsReporting="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting"
reg query !RegWindowsReporting!>nul 2>&1 & if %errorLevel%==0 (
reg add !RegWindowsReporting! /v Disabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul
if %BlockIPaddresses%==1 (
call:title "Block M$ servers IP addresses.."
for %%? in (
) do call:block_route %%?
if %BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall%==1 (
call:title "Add blocked IP adressess to firewall rule.."
rem For using this shit you must init IP addresses list by calling 'call:block_route ""' first!
if %AddDomainsToHosts%==1 (
call:title "Find and add M$ domains to HOSTS file ^(block^).."
for %%? in (
) do call:add_to_hosts %%?
if %DisableAutomaticUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Disable automatic windows update ^(make search, but you must manually select updates to install^)"
set RegeditRoot="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update"
reg add !RegeditRoot! /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f>nul
reg add !RegeditRoot! /v IncludeRecommendedUpdates /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f>nul
set message=%~1
set type=%~2
if [!type!] EQU [] (
set type=%time%
echo [!type!] %message%
if %WriteLogFile%==1 ( if [%LogFilePath%] NEQ [] (
echo [!type!] %message%>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
exit /b
set title=%~1
echo %title%
if %WriteLogFile%==1 ( if [%LogFilePath%] NEQ [] (
echo.>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
echo %title%>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
exit /b
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\fsutil.exe (
fsutil dirty query %systemdrive%>nul 2>&1
) else (
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel%==0 (
) else (
call:log "[Failure] Need administrative permissions"
exit /b
set url=%~1
set dest=%~2
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -Noninteractive -Command "try { Import-Module BitsTransfer; Start-BitsTransfer -Source %url% -Destination %dest%; exit 100; } catch { exit 0; }">nul
exit /b
set ps_modules_dir=%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
set pswu_distr_path="!ps_modules_dir!\PSWindowsUpdate"
set result=0
if exist "!pswu_distr_path!\Hide-WUUpdate.ps1" (
rem call:log "PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate' found"
set result=100
) else (
set local_unzip_tool=0
set local_pswu_module=0
call:log "Install PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'" "Install update"
if exist "%~dp0\unzip.exe" (
set local_unzip_tool=1
set unzip_tool="%~dp0\unzip.exe"
call:log "Local unzip tool found"
) else (
set unzip_tool="%temp%\unzip.exe"
call:log "Download unzip tool.."
rem Original source: stahlworks.com/dev/unzip.exe
ownload_file "dropbox.com/s/gxf8d4bg0yyozdh/unzip.exe?dl=1" !unzip_tool!
if exist !unzip_tool! (
if exist "%~dp0\PSWindowsUpdate.zip" (
set local_pswu_module=1
set pswu_zip="%~dp0\PSWindowsUpdate.zip"
call:log "Local PSWindowsUpdate module found"
) else (
set pswu_zip="%temp%\PSWindowsUpdate.zip"
call:log "Download PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'.."
rem Original source: gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/2d191bcd-3308-4edd-9de2-88dff796b0bc/
ownload_file "dropbox.com/s/z61nlkfecmhabil/PSWindowsUpdate.zip?dl=1" !pswu_zip!
if exist !pswu_zip! (
set pswu_temp="%temp%\pswindowsupdate_content"
call:log "Unzip module archive.."
!unzip_tool! -oC !pswu_zip! -d !pswu_temp!>nul
if exist !pswu_temp! (
call:log "Move module files to PowerShell modules directory.."
if exist !pswu_distr_path! (rmdir !pswu_distr_path! /s /q>nul)
move /y "!pswu_temp!\PSWindowsUpdate" !ps_modules_dir!>nul
if "!local_unzip_tool!" NEQ "1" (del /f !unzip_tool!>nul)
if "!local_pswu_module!" NEQ "1" (del /f !pswu_zip!>nul)
rmdir !pswu_temp! /s /q>nul
if exist "!pswu_distr_path!\Hide-WUUpdate.ps1" (
call:log "'PSWindowsUpdate' module for PowerShell installed" "Installation complete"
set result=100
timeout /t 2 /nobreak>nul & tskill powershell>nul 2>&1 & timeout /t 2 /nobreak>nul
) else (
call:log "Installation module 'PSWindowsUpdate' failed - files in !pswu_distr_path! not found" "Installation failed"
exit /b
set kb_id=%~1
rem Remove update
call:log "Uninstall update KB%kb_id%.."
start /wait wusa /uninstall /norestart /quiet /kb:%kb_id%
if %errorlevel%==2359303 call:log "Update KB%kb_id% not installed"
if %errorlevel%==1223 call:log "Uninstall cancelled"
if %errorlevel%==3010 call:log "Update KB%kb_id% UNINSTALLED successfully"
rem Add all updates IDs to single string variable (',' is delimiter)
set UpdatesList=%UpdatesList%KB%kb_id%,
exit /b
rem Add update to Windows Update exceptions (hide update) using PowerShell
if [!UpdatesList!] EQU [] (
call:log "Empty updates list. For add update ID to block list - uninstall update by script before" "Error"
exit /b
rem Remove last (',') char
set UpdatesListForDisabling=!UpdatesList:~0,-1!
if %result%==100 (
call:log "Disable updates: !UpdatesListForDisabling!.."
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -Noninteractive -Command "Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate; try { Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID !UpdatesListForDisabling! -Confirm:$false; exit 100; } catch { exit 0; }">nul 2>&1
if !errorlevel!==100 (
call:log "Updates successfully DISABLED"
) else (
call:log "Cannot disable updates: Update your PowerShell or install PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'" "Error"
exit /b
set ip_addr=%~1
call:log "Block route to %ip_addr%"
route -p ADD %ip_addr% MASK %REDIRECT%>nul 2>&1
rem Add all addresses to single string variable (',' is delimiter)
set FirewallIPlist=%FirewallIPlist%%ip_addr%,
exit /b
if [!FirewallIPlist!] EQU [] (
call:log "Empty IP list. For add IP to firewall block list - block ip by route first" "Error"
exit /b
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe (
set FirewallRuleName=Block MS Telemetry
rem Remove exists rule + add new rule + make exists check
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="!FirewallRuleName!">nul
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="!FirewallRuleName!" dir=out action=block remoteip=!FirewallIPlist! interfacetype=any>nul
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="!FirewallRuleName!">nul
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
call:log "IP adresses blocked with firewall rule '!FirewallRuleName!': '!FirewallIPlist:~0,-1!'"
) else (
call:log "Cannot add firewall rule '!FirewallRuleName!' - maybe firewall servise disabled^?" "Error"
) else (
call:log "Windows firewall not accessible (file 'netsh.exe' not exists)" "Error"
exit /b
set task_name=%~1
call:log "Disable task %task_name%"
schtasks /Change /TN "%task_name%" /DISABLE>nul 2>&1
exit /b
set service_name=%~1
set errors_counter=0
call:log "Disable service '%service_name%'"
sc query "%service_name%">nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 1060 (
sc config "!service_name!" start= disabled>nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1
sc stop "!service_name!">nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1
if %errors_counter%==0 (
call:log "Service '!service_name!' disabled successful"
) else set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1 & call:log "Service '!service_name!' not installed"
exit /b
set HOSTS=%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
set block_title=## Block MS telemetry domain names
set write_title=0
set host_name=%~1
if "%host_name%"=="--title--" (
set write_title=1
set host_name=%block_title%
find /C /I "%host_name%" %HOSTS%>nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
attrib -r %HOSTS%>nul
if !write_title! EQU 1 (
echo %block_title%>>%HOSTS%
) else (
echo %REDIRECT% %host_name%>>%HOSTS%
call:log "Domain %host_name% ADDED"
) else (
if !write_title! NEQ 1 (
call:log "Domain %host_name% ALREADY added"
exit /b
call:title "Exit after 60 seconds, or press any key for exit now"
timeout /t 60>nul 2>&1
endlocal & if %ExitOnComplete%==1 (exit)
echo on
title "Disable Windows 7/8/8.1 Telemetry"
endlocal & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Script created by <github.com/tarampampam> # 2015
rem Github: <https://gist.github.com/tarampampam/a0db45fb0de5976300b1>
rem OS: Windows 7/8/8.1
rem Version 0.2.11
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * Disable Windows 7/8/8.1 Telemetry (+bonus) service *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * Script support arguments: *
echo * *
echo * -kb ^| -hotfixes Do NOT uninstall updates *
echo * -d ^| -disable Do NOT disable updates *
echo * -t ^| -tasks Do NOT disable tasks *
echo * -s ^| -services Do NOT disable services *
echo * -i ^| -ip Do NOT block IP addresses using route *
echo * -f ^| -firewall Do NOT block IP addresses using firewall *
echo * -h ^| -hosts Do NOT add domains to hosts file *
echo * -u ^| -updates Do NOT change windows update settings *
echo * -l ^| -log Do NOT write messages to .log file *
echo * -e ^| -exit Exit when work is complete *
echo * *
echo * Latest version you can find here: ^<http://goo.gl/1MzPtW^> *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * (Sometimes it block access to hosts file, etc) *
echo * *
echo ***************************************************************************
rem Setup default script settings + declare variables
set ExitOnComplete=0
set WriteLogFile=1
set UninstallUpdates=1
set DisableUpdates=1
set DisableTasks=1
set DisableServices=1
set BlockIPaddresses=1
set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=1
set AddDomainsToHosts=1
set DisableAutomaticUpdates=1
set FirewallIPlist=
set UpdatesList=
set result=
set LogFilePath="%~f0.log"
rem Parse passed arguments to script
if "%~1"=="" goto end_parse_passed_params
if "%~1"=="-e" set ExitOnComplete=1
if "%~1"=="-exit" set ExitOnComplete=1
if "%~1"=="-kb" set UninstallUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-hotfixes" set UninstallUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-d" set DisableUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-disable" set DisableUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-t" set DisableTasks=0
if "%~1"=="-tasks" set DisableTasks=0
if "%~1"=="-s" set DisableServices=0
if "%~1"=="-services" set DisableServices=0
if "%~1"=="-i" set BlockIPaddresses=0
if "%~1"=="-ip" set BlockIPaddresses=0
if "%~1"=="-f" set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=0
if "%~1"=="-firewall" set BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall=0
if "%~1"=="-h" set AddDomainsToHosts=0
if "%~1"=="-hosts" set AddDomainsToHosts=0
if "%~1"=="-u" set DisableAutomaticUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-updates" set DisableAutomaticUpdates=0
if "%~1"=="-l" set WriteLogFile=0
if "%~1"=="-log" set WriteLogFile=0
shift & goto parse_passed_params
if %UninstallUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Uninstall evil M$ updates.."
rem You can find KB description here: support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/%KB_NUMBER%
rem 3080149 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // 8.1 / WS 2012 R2, 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 3075249 - Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 // 8.1 / RT 8.1 / WS 2012 R2 / 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 2952664 - Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7 // 7 SP1
rem 3035583 - Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 // 8.1 / 7 SP1 / IE11
rem 3068708 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // 8.1 / WS 2012 R2 / 7 SP1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1
rem 3022345 - Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1 / WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1
rem 3021917 - Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements // 7 SP1
rem 2976978 - Compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 // 8 / 8.1
rem 3044374 - Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 2990214 - Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows // WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1
rem 971033 - Update for Windows Activation Technologies // 7
rem 3075851 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: August 2015 // WS 2008 R2 SP1 / 7 SP1 / Embedded Standard 7 SP1
rem 3065988 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: July 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3083325 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: September 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3083324 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: September 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3075853 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: August 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3065987 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: July 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3050265 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7: June 2015 more info // WS 2008 R2 / 7
rem 3050267 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1: June 2015 more info // WS 2012 R2 / 8.1
rem 3046480 - Update helps to determine whether to migrate the .NET Framework 1.1 when you upgrade Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 more info // 7 SP1 / 8.1
for %%? in (
) do call:uninstall_update %%?
if %DisableUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Disable ^(hide^) uninstalled updates.."
call:log "It can take a lot of time - wait please, or use -d flag for disable this feature.." "Notice"
rem For using this shit you must init updates list by calling 'call:uninstall_update "123123"' first!
if %DisableTasks%==1 (
call:title "Disable some windows tasks.."
for %%? in (
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics\AnalyzeSystem"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ActivateWindowsSearch"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ConfigureInternetTimeService"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\DispatchRecoveryTasks"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ehDRMInit"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\InstallPlayReady"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\MediaCenterRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ObjectStoreRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURActivate"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURDiscovery"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscovery"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW1"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW2"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrScheduleTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\RegisterSearch"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ReindexSearchRoot"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\SqlLiteRecoveryTask"
"\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\UpdateRecordPath"
) do call
if %DisableServices%==1 (
call:title "Disable services.."
for %%? in (
) do call
set RegDataCollection="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection"
reg query !RegDataCollection!>nul 2>&1 & if %errorLevel%==0 (
reg add !RegDataCollection! /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
set RegWindowsReporting="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting"
reg query !RegWindowsReporting!>nul 2>&1 & if %errorLevel%==0 (
reg add !RegWindowsReporting! /v Disabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul
if %BlockIPaddresses%==1 (
call:title "Block M$ servers IP addresses.."
for %%? in (
) do call:block_route %%?
if %BlockIPaddressesWithFirewall%==1 (
call:title "Add blocked IP adressess to firewall rule.."
rem For using this shit you must init IP addresses list by calling 'call:block_route ""' first!
if %AddDomainsToHosts%==1 (
call:title "Find and add M$ domains to HOSTS file ^(block^).."
for %%? in (
) do call:add_to_hosts %%?
if %DisableAutomaticUpdates%==1 (
call:title "Disable automatic windows update ^(make search, but you must manually select updates to install^)"
set RegeditRoot="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update"
reg add !RegeditRoot! /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f>nul
reg add !RegeditRoot! /v IncludeRecommendedUpdates /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f>nul
set message=%~1
set type=%~2
if [!type!] EQU [] (
set type=%time%
echo [!type!] %message%
if %WriteLogFile%==1 ( if [%LogFilePath%] NEQ [] (
echo [!type!] %message%>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
exit /b
set title=%~1
echo %title%
if %WriteLogFile%==1 ( if [%LogFilePath%] NEQ [] (
echo.>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
echo %title%>>%LogFilePath% 2>&1
exit /b
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\fsutil.exe (
fsutil dirty query %systemdrive%>nul 2>&1
) else (
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel%==0 (
) else (
call:log "[Failure] Need administrative permissions"
exit /b
set url=%~1
set dest=%~2
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -Noninteractive -Command "try { Import-Module BitsTransfer; Start-BitsTransfer -Source %url% -Destination %dest%; exit 100; } catch { exit 0; }">nul
exit /b
set ps_modules_dir=%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
set pswu_distr_path="!ps_modules_dir!\PSWindowsUpdate"
set result=0
if exist "!pswu_distr_path!\Hide-WUUpdate.ps1" (
rem call:log "PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate' found"
set result=100
) else (
set local_unzip_tool=0
set local_pswu_module=0
call:log "Install PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'" "Install update"
if exist "%~dp0\unzip.exe" (
set local_unzip_tool=1
set unzip_tool="%~dp0\unzip.exe"
call:log "Local unzip tool found"
) else (
set unzip_tool="%temp%\unzip.exe"
call:log "Download unzip tool.."
rem Original source: stahlworks.com/dev/unzip.exe
if exist !unzip_tool! (
if exist "%~dp0\PSWindowsUpdate.zip" (
set local_pswu_module=1
set pswu_zip="%~dp0\PSWindowsUpdate.zip"
call:log "Local PSWindowsUpdate module found"
) else (
set pswu_zip="%temp%\PSWindowsUpdate.zip"
call:log "Download PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'.."
rem Original source: gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/2d191bcd-3308-4edd-9de2-88dff796b0bc/
if exist !pswu_zip! (
set pswu_temp="%temp%\pswindowsupdate_content"
call:log "Unzip module archive.."
!unzip_tool! -oC !pswu_zip! -d !pswu_temp!>nul
if exist !pswu_temp! (
call:log "Move module files to PowerShell modules directory.."
if exist !pswu_distr_path! (rmdir !pswu_distr_path! /s /q>nul)
move /y "!pswu_temp!\PSWindowsUpdate" !ps_modules_dir!>nul
if "!local_unzip_tool!" NEQ "1" (del /f !unzip_tool!>nul)
if "!local_pswu_module!" NEQ "1" (del /f !pswu_zip!>nul)
rmdir !pswu_temp! /s /q>nul
if exist "!pswu_distr_path!\Hide-WUUpdate.ps1" (
call:log "'PSWindowsUpdate' module for PowerShell installed" "Installation complete"
set result=100
timeout /t 2 /nobreak>nul & tskill powershell>nul 2>&1 & timeout /t 2 /nobreak>nul
) else (
call:log "Installation module 'PSWindowsUpdate' failed - files in !pswu_distr_path! not found" "Installation failed"
exit /b
set kb_id=%~1
rem Remove update
call:log "Uninstall update KB%kb_id%.."
start /wait wusa /uninstall /norestart /quiet /kb:%kb_id%
if %errorlevel%==2359303 call:log "Update KB%kb_id% not installed"
if %errorlevel%==1223 call:log "Uninstall cancelled"
if %errorlevel%==3010 call:log "Update KB%kb_id% UNINSTALLED successfully"
rem Add all updates IDs to single string variable (',' is delimiter)
set UpdatesList=%UpdatesList%KB%kb_id%,
exit /b
rem Add update to Windows Update exceptions (hide update) using PowerShell
if [!UpdatesList!] EQU [] (
call:log "Empty updates list. For add update ID to block list - uninstall update by script before" "Error"
exit /b
rem Remove last (',') char
set UpdatesListForDisabling=!UpdatesList:~0,-1!
if %result%==100 (
call:log "Disable updates: !UpdatesListForDisabling!.."
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -Noninteractive -Command "Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate; try { Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID !UpdatesListForDisabling! -Confirm:$false; exit 100; } catch { exit 0; }">nul 2>&1
if !errorlevel!==100 (
call:log "Updates successfully DISABLED"
) else (
call:log "Cannot disable updates: Update your PowerShell or install PowerShell module 'PSWindowsUpdate'" "Error"
exit /b
set ip_addr=%~1
call:log "Block route to %ip_addr%"
route -p ADD %ip_addr% MASK %REDIRECT%>nul 2>&1
rem Add all addresses to single string variable (',' is delimiter)
set FirewallIPlist=%FirewallIPlist%%ip_addr%,
exit /b
if [!FirewallIPlist!] EQU [] (
call:log "Empty IP list. For add IP to firewall block list - block ip by route first" "Error"
exit /b
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe (
set FirewallRuleName=Block MS Telemetry
rem Remove exists rule + add new rule + make exists check
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="!FirewallRuleName!">nul
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="!FirewallRuleName!" dir=out action=block remoteip=!FirewallIPlist! interfacetype=any>nul
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="!FirewallRuleName!">nul
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
call:log "IP adresses blocked with firewall rule '!FirewallRuleName!': '!FirewallIPlist:~0,-1!'"
) else (
call:log "Cannot add firewall rule '!FirewallRuleName!' - maybe firewall servise disabled^?" "Error"
) else (
call:log "Windows firewall not accessible (file 'netsh.exe' not exists)" "Error"
exit /b
set task_name=%~1
call:log "Disable task %task_name%"
schtasks /Change /TN "%task_name%" /DISABLE>nul 2>&1
exit /b
set service_name=%~1
set errors_counter=0
call:log "Disable service '%service_name%'"
sc query "%service_name%">nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 1060 (
sc config "!service_name!" start= disabled>nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1
sc stop "!service_name!">nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1
if %errors_counter%==0 (
call:log "Service '!service_name!' disabled successful"
) else set /a errors_counter=errors_counter+1 & call:log "Service '!service_name!' not installed"
exit /b
set HOSTS=%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
set block_title=## Block MS telemetry domain names
set write_title=0
set host_name=%~1
if "%host_name%"=="--title--" (
set write_title=1
set host_name=%block_title%
find /C /I "%host_name%" %HOSTS%>nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
attrib -r %HOSTS%>nul
if !write_title! EQU 1 (
echo %block_title%>>%HOSTS%
) else (
echo %REDIRECT% %host_name%>>%HOSTS%
call:log "Domain %host_name% ADDED"
) else (
if !write_title! NEQ 1 (
call:log "Domain %host_name% ALREADY added"
exit /b
call:title "Exit after 60 seconds, or press any key for exit now"
timeout /t 60>nul 2>&1
endlocal & if %ExitOnComplete%==1 (exit)
echo on
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