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1. Настройка и компиляция плагина / Configuring and compiling a plugin

Union / Юнион 1. Настройка и компиляция плагина / Configuring and compiling a plugin

Работа с плагином Юнион
You should have before the beginning:
— Visual studio 2010 for compiling project (you need 2010 compiler)
— Any Visual studio for development
— An installed template plugin from Resource Manager

Plugin settings:

In configuration list there are templates for any engine version and a common one - crossplatform.
For example, if you select 'G2A Release' plugin will be compiler only for Gothic II: NoTR, if 'Release' then for all engine version.
Selecting a specific platform is also useful for intermediate builds. This will significantly reduce compilation time.

Next, you can configure the plugin's output path directly to the game directory. Hold Alt + F7, go to the 'General' tab, in the 'Output directory' specify the path to your Gothic\System.
There immediately check the 'Platform Toolset' parameter. If you have Visual studio 2010, then save and close the window. Otherwise, select a different version.

For compiling press F7 (Ctrl + Shift + B) or Build->Build Solution.
In Union.ini or in .ini of your mod insert the names of your plugins (use comma "," as a delimiter):
You can archive your plugin into a VDF volume.

Attaching the debugger:
To set breakpoints and catch exceptions, hold Alt + F7, go to the 'Debug' tab. Write in the 'Command' parameter: if the plugin is compiled into the game directory, then $(TargetDir)\Gothic.exe, otherwise the full path to the game's exe file.
Save and close the window. To compile and run the debugger, press F5 or Debug->Start Debugging.
Сверху Снизу